A CCTV program recording , revisiting the "original intention" once
  The author:Zhu Yiyan  Time:2022-06-15  Traffic:   
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Do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, everything in the world depends on persistence. As CRCC employees, as a member of the international group, our mission is to always adhere to, keep the original intention, build a track to spread Chinese culture, and witness the departure of the train that brings advanced technology to the world.

In August 2017, I had the honor to participate in a knowledge contest variety show recorded by CCTV to welcome the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The purpose of this show is to implement and publicize the ideas of General Secretary Xi Jinping since he came to power, integrate historical classics and stay close to the times. Pulse, and I embarked on an extraordinary journey on a mission to "spread" the company's culture.

On the first day I joined the group, I met my roommate, a Tibetan, I called her Sister Kang. Sister Kang has a square face and waist-length hair. She speaks Chinese word by word and does mass work in a central enterprise in Tibet. She told me that when she knew she was coming to participate in this program, the villagers in Karma Township, Tibet were very concerned, and everyone wanted to see her tell local stories.

In the following two days, we started intensive training of speeches and competition system, but the day before the recording of the program, we suddenly received a notice that the person with the lowest score would be eliminated in each competition. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became solemn, because no matter who it was, no one wanted to be that person, because everyone came with a mission.

In the afternoon of the second day, the recording officially started. Each contestant sat on the stage and began to answer the questions simultaneously. The competition was fierce. Some stood out, and some left silently. In that radiant studio with bright spotlights, we could not even feel the time. 's passage. It was recorded from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Although it was late, after returning to the dormitory, Sister Kang and I were still unable to fall asleep. The battle situation on the first day was really worrying, and the invisible pressure affected everyone. I know my mission, but what about my original intention? I have no time to care.

Almost every game was recorded late into the night, and the days were moving steadily forward in tension. About halfway through the game, I felt that Sister Kang was in a bad mood, so I took the initiative to chat with her. It turned out that she was waiting for her husband's call. It turned out that during the few days of her competition, her husband was on the front line of China's military exercise on the Indian border. I was stunned. Sister Kang cried for the first time in so many days. She said that her husband climbed a mountain every day. Half an hour later, wearing a military coat and frayed shoes, I called her for a minute just to get to the top of the mountain to find a signal. When she received the notice from her husband to go to the front line, her heart was very tangled, but her husband said, "If I don't go, then I'm not a soldier or a man!" Sister Kang told me: "That At that time, I thought, even if he died on the battlefield, I would not have any complaints!" After hearing this, I was very touched, it turned out that the original intention and the mission are inseparable, because with the original intention, I have the responsibility to persevere without turning back, Only then can you make the real decision in your heart, as a soldier, a brave and glorious decision, as a wife, a great decision that you stick to silently. The mission of a soldier and the mission of a military wife has gone beyond home and has risen to the country.

The competition was in full swing, and everyone was worried about leaving or staying. Sister Kang finally got the chance and told her story on the spot. She was wearing the Tibetan clothes that her hometown elders liked the most, and proudly said that the times gave her. Their changes, her mission of this trip has been successfully completed.

While participating in the competition, I also found different shining points in everyone. They included unknown teachers, ordinary police officers, and school students; The coach of the submarine and the secretary of the village committee met by General Secretary Xi. They are all ordinary people, but their original aspirations and their mission have made them extraordinary people among ordinary people. I know my mission, but where is my original intention?

When the competition entered the final final, the director suddenly found me and said, "Mr. Kang Hui will ask you a question at the final stage today. The theme is how the company can lead the local development in Africa." It was already 12 o'clock, and it was 1 o'clock Enter! I have mixed feelings in my heart, and I would love to take this precious time to introduce my company, our profession, and our technology, but the rush of time makes it too late for me to think about it.

At the recording site of the final, Mr. Kang Hui called my name, the camera on the rocker found me, I picked up the microphone and stood up: "Hello everyone, my name is Zhu Yiyan, I'm from China Railway Construction International Group...we are from China Railway Construction Corporation. When we built a road in Algeria, we never secretly picked a local orange. Because of our integrity, after the road was built, the local people brought oranges to us to eat. It was the sweetest orange I have ever eaten... Construction project Our people raise their own project like raising their own children, and witness it grow up little by little. We turn the day and night upside down to catch up with the construction period, so that the people of Algeria can have more convenient transportation as soon as possible, and the people of Africa can live a better life. Life... We have already undertaken the 2022 World Cup stadium Russel Stadium project, and we have covered 57 countries in the world. We will not forget our original intentions, continue to move forward, and bring China's most advanced culture and technology to the world." Out, I was a little choked up. At that moment, I think I finally found my original intention. During this period of time, under the cruel pressure of the show, I have been using "it's good not to be eliminated", "if you don't embarrass the company, it's okay." "Okay" to appease my emotions, but now that I stand in front of this stage, I have a deeper understanding of the importance and value of perseverance.

The original intention is easy to obtain, but it is always difficult to obtain. The mission is easy to bear, but it is difficult to shoulder each other. Maybe I came to this show at the beginning because I took the mission given me by the company, but I don’t know it, and I want to tell everyone: “Our How does the company ride the waves in the wave of the Belt and Road? In such a sluggish world economy, we still have to go against the wind. After going through many difficulties and hardships, we still choose to stick to our position." The show is there, it has been following me and supporting me, until now, this original intention is not only because of what I came for - mission, but also because of love - original intention. When I was unprepared and expressed my true emotions, I found the power given by this job and the experience it brought me. The warm applause from the audience also let me know that authenticity is far more important than gorgeousness. I love everything this job has given me, although it has bittersweet and sweet; I am in awe of every person in the company who is working hard for the project, because everyone is devoted to the building that rises from the ground and the endless road ; I also love the feeling of one having a mission and accomplishing it, because I haven't lifted the weight off my shoulders, but I'm used to walking lightly on it.

Everyone has the original intention, the beauty, the precious warmth, everyone has a mission, it may be very heavy and cruel, but we can't lose it or give up. Sister Kang is like this, her husband Yes, so do I. We were born in this era, in an era of peaceful material abundance. Everyone shoulders not only the mission of selfishness, but also the mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Our beauty today is because there are countless people who shoulder the responsibility Their mission is carried forward. I think that only when our country is strong will we be respected when we go abroad and practice the project.

"Tianxingjian, a gentleman is self-improvement." In this journey, I completed my phased mission with my original intention, and I will not forget my original intention, keep my mission in mind, go to the future, and embrace the unknown. Only when you can keep your original intention can you enjoy the end, remember your mission, and then you can shoulder the more beautiful burdens of life and life!

Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统