Qatar DN071 road and infrastructure project won the 2022 International Safety Award from the British Safety Committee
  Time:2022-07-01  Traffic:   
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On March 11, 2022, the website of the British Safety Council(BSC)published the list of winners of the 2022 British Safety Council International Safety Award(ISA), which was listed on the Qatar DN071 road and infrastructure project.

ISA (International Safety Award) is one of the most authoritative and influential honors in the field of international health and safety. It is selected by the British Safety Committee and aims to commend and encourage organizations around the world that have made contributions to occupational health, safety and welfare. The international safety award is divided into three levels: distinction, merit and pass. The DN071 road and infrastructure project won the Excellence Award.


(List of winners)


(Project site photos)


(Project site photos)


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