Full-line Rail Transit Penetration of Qingdao Metro Line 4
  The author:Guo Tianhong Huo Xiuli  Time:2022-05-10  Traffic:   
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Ceremony Site of Full-line Rail Transit Penetration

In the morning of April 28, the welding of the last steel rail between Anshan Road Station and Cuobuling Station was completed, which marked that the goal of full-line rail transit penetration of Qingdao Metro Line 4 Project was achieved, and laid a solid foundation for subsequent public operation.

For Qingdao Metro Line 4 Project, China Railway Construction Investment Group Corporation Limited implemented the investment, construction and management, China Railway 11th Bureau Group Corporation Limited and China Railway 12th Bureau Group Corporation Limited undertook the rail laying task, and China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation Limited participated in the design consultation. Since the construction commenced in July 2021, the builders have overcome difficulties such as repeated epidemic situation, multiple cross-operations, narrow construction sites, and intense stress in safety control within a rail transit area, optimized the construction plans, formulated strict epidemic situation prevention measures, increased investment in machinery and manpower, and adopted domestic advanced measurement technologies, thereby improving the degree of accuracy in construction and the smoothness in rail transit.

Engineers and technicians provide on-site guidance for rail welding.

In terms of safety management, Qingdao Metro Line 4 Project implemented full coverage of video monitoring systems in the rail transit area, and positioning chips were additionally mounted on the safety helmets for the construction workers, so as to achieve dynamic safety management throughout the rail transit area.

During the peak periods of Qingdao Metro Line 4 Project, more than 20 operations commenced at the same time, with over 100 large-scale machinery, and totaling 1,500 construction workers. In conjunction with the extensive and complicated practices in the construction of the project, the construction plan combining mechanical laying and manual laying was adopted, so that the working efficiency in ordinary construction of ballast beds was doubled as compared with the past, which created the fastest rail transit construction record in Qingdao Metro, and demonstrated the brand advantages of China Railway Construction Group Corporation Limited in construction and management.

The Rail Transit Project of Qingdao Metro Line 4, with a total length of about 31 kilometers, and ranging from the People’s Hall in the west to Laoshan Scenic Resort in the east, is provided with 25 stations in total, including 12 interchange stations, and 11 schools and 8 large hospitals past along the line, which is of great significance for developing the transport along a latitudinal direction of Qingdao.

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