my circle of friends
  The author:Zhang Feng  Time:2022-06-15  Traffic:   
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During the October 1st holiday this year, opening the WeChat Moments is like opening a travel journal in China. Friends take high-speed trains, long-distance rides, plane rides, self-drive carpools to travel together, return to their hometowns ... , enjoy beautiful scenery, delicious food, and beautiful moods.

Well, the high-speed rail line you took was built by China Railway Construction; the highway, bridge and tunnel you passed by, we China Railway Construction; ; Are you traveling in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand? The second tallest building in Malaysia is a key project of our international group. A section of elevated urban railway in Singapore is called "China Line" due to the participation of CRCC. The employees at the construction site of the infrastructure project in Thailand are my colleagues of the international group. Of course, there are also the tallest building in Africa in Morocco, the main stadium for the World Cup in Qatar, and it is also a star project for our international group to develop overseas markets. I left a message under the picture of the circle of friends displayed by my domestic friends.

I didn't show affection with my girlfriend, get together with my family, and didn't share the beautiful scenery of the motherland. I just silently posted a picture of working overtime with my colleagues in the office to make a bid for an overseas project, and I became an internet celebrity in the circle of friends at that time. There are small nagging from parents asking for warmth, small complaints from girlfriend not being able to accompany her, cordial condolences from leaders, warm greetings from friends and envy for my special way of showing off. In fact, I know that China Railway Construction Corporation and International Group have hundreds of thousands of colleagues who are fighting at the front line of production and operation at home and abroad during holidays. They are busy sticking to their jobs, and they can't find time to flip through their WeChat Moments and take pictures of the construction in full swing. On-site, Xiuxiu's busy working environment.

Happy China 's National Day, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival ! Overseas project owners and partners have also sent congratulations. The traditional Chinese festivals and congratulations sent by local Chinese and overseas Chinese in the past are now in more local officials, citizens and friends more familiarity and respect. What surprised me even more was that a foreign friend who used WeChat overseas version Wechat also sent me a two-dollar red envelope.

As the end of get off work approached, the WeChat group of Chinese-funded enterprises began to remind that the "National Day Celebration and Mid-Autumn Festival" basketball game would start on time in the evening. The contestants of the Chinese-funded enterprises warmed up in advance and played a friendly match with a team formed by local companies. The festive dinner after the game brought together the friends in the offline circle of friends of Chinese-funded enterprises to communicate and interact, and felt the care of the motherland and the warmth of home in a foreign country.

You may ask, as an ordinary employee born in the 1990s, you have not worked overseas for a long time, how can you have such a rich circle of friends? Because my best background is the current China, and the platform I strive for is China Railway Construction.

From the Shanghai Asia Information Summit, the Beijing APEC Conference to the Hangzhou G20 Summit; from the "Belt and Road" initiative, which has received positive responses from many countries and international organizations, to China's launch of the "AIIB" and active assistance to Africa, China is making persuasive and effective efforts to The unique Chinese plan and Chinese wisdom are touching people's hearts, and they have continuously demonstrated their responsibility as a major country in the field of global governance, and constantly expanded the "circle of friends" at the national level.

Taking advantage of the "Belt and Road" initiative, CRCC closely follows the country's policy call, leads "Made in China" and "Created in China" to overseas markets step by step, has won good performance and reputation, and continuously expanded its own The "Circle of Friends", especially the international group, is described as the vanguard of the "Belt and Road" of CRCC, and the key projects are frequently screened and become the highlights of praise.

As a very touching comment on the Internet: "The post-80s generation is now the backbone of society. They are young and old. When they were born, the motherland was just brilliant, and when they grew up, the motherland was brilliant . " I think, whether it is post-80s, post-70s, post-90s, or even post-00s, when we place our personal growth in the context of a moving China, we can experience the luck and pride that we are at this era.

Recently, the news and blessings about the 19th National Congress have exploded my circle of friends.

"Step by step towards the new era. Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind!"

"The prosperity of the youth makes the country prosper, and the youth is strong, the country is strong."

"New era, looking forward to it!"

I firmly believe that the Communist Party of China, which has gone through countless storms but is radiating infinite vitality, will lead the Chinese people to realize the bright future of the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the entrustment of hundreds of millions of people.

I firmly believe that as an ordinary party member at the grass-roots level, as long as he has a never-slack mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle, never forgets his original intention, keeps his mission in mind, and devotes himself to work with more enthusiasm and energy, he will surely contribute to the overseas business of CRCC. make a greater contribution.

Come, friends, add my WeChat to share our circle of friends.

(Author: Zhang Feng of China Railway Construction International Group Hong Kong Company)

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