The electrified double track railway project from GEMAS to JOHOR BAHRU
  Time:2022-06-30  Traffic:   
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The electrified double track railway project from GEMAS to JOHOR BAHRU is the first large-scale railway project won by a Chinese enterprise in Malaysia, and also the first overseas major project won by a consortium.

The project, with a total length of 191.14km, is an important part of Malaysia's public transport development blueprint. After completion, it will be connected with the existing double track railway in Malaya Peninsula, and the traffic time of the people will be greatly reduced through the operation of the fast rail system. The smooth implementation of the project will further strengthen the friendship and economic exchanges between China and Malaysia and become another bright "business card" for China Malaysia friendly cooperation.

Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统