The Mecca Light Rail
  Time:2022-06-30  Traffic:   
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The Mecca Light Rail is mainly used by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ease traffic pressure during the pilgrimage of millions of Muslims each year. The 18.25 km railway in Mecca, the first holy city of Islam, was completed and opened to traffic on November 13, 2011. The route, which runs through the three main hajj areas of Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat, has nine stations and a depot.

The Mecca Light Rail the first cooperation project since the signing of the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure Construction between China and Saudi Arabia in June 2008. It is also the first time for Chinese enterprises to adopt the "design, procurement, construction and operation maintenance" mode of construction of railway projects. Using five modes of operation, the train is designed to carry 72000 people per hour. Muslims from 57 countries and regions of the world can travel to and from various hajj areas by comfortable and fast Chinese light rail trains. The huge traffic pressure on Mecca during the annual pilgrimage will be effectively alleviated.

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