The Southwest section of the third transfer line of Moscow Metro
  Time:2022-06-30  Traffic:   
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The Southwest section of the third transfer line of Moscow Metro , the first metro project built by Chinese enterprises in Europe, is 5.34 kilometers long, including 3 stations and 9 shield tunnels. The project has successfully brought the whole industrial chain of Chinese equipment, Chinese technology, Chinese design and Chinese standards into the European market.

In order to pay tribute to the Chinese builders, the Russian government agreed to introduce the auspicious pattern of "Chinese style" into the design of Michelin metro station. Auspicious patterns are composed of plum blossom, cloud pattern, tuanshou, eight immortals pattern, Chinese red and other elements. The Michelin Street station with Chinese color has become a popular punch in place for Moscow citizens, and has been called "a new landmark of China Russia friendship" by the Chinese and Russian media.

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