Special labor competition for safety and environmental protection of teams and groups in neom tunnel adit project
  Time:2022-07-01  Traffic:   
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On February 22, 2022, a labor competition mobilization meeting was held for the neom tunnel adit project. The competition aims to improve the safety and environmental protection awareness of all staff, standardize the safety and environmental protection site management, make every effort to eliminate potential safety and environmental protection hazards, reduce unsafe and nonstandard operations, and ensure the safety of tunnel construction.

This competition highlights the specificity and pertinence, adopts a short cycle, and encourages all on-site personnel to participate. In view of the fact that the Chinese personnel are not familiar with the tunnel construction under the British Standard Specification, the competition takes safety and environmental protection as the evaluation object, regards the six adit teams as six competition units, and evaluates them in the form of reducing points for safety and environmental protection violations and adding points for excellent practices. The competition leading group will score every week.


(Kick off meeting of Eastern work area)


(Kick off meeting of western work area)


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