Xingguo-Quanzhou Railway Completed Track Laying
  Time:2022-05-10  Traffic:   
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On May 8, as the last set of 500-meter-long rails was laid on the roadbed, the Xingguo-Quanzhou Railway, which passed through 14 revolutionary base areas (counties) and was jointly built and completed by China Railway 18th Bureau Group and other companies, laying a solid foundation for the operation of the whole line.

Xingguo-Quanzhou Railway, enter Fujian Province through Yudu, Ningdu, Shicheng County in Jiangxi Province, and reach Quanzhou City by Ninghua, Qingliu, Dehua County with total length of 464.16km and design speed of 160 km, with the ratio of bridges and tunnels of 87.05%. It is a mixed passenger and freight line Ⅰ level of electrification railway, with construction began in April 2017.

The first branch of Xingguo-Quanzhou Railway Section 6, contracted by China Railway 18th Bureau, is located in Datian County, Sanming City and Dehua County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, with a total length of 21.642 km. The project structures include 9 Bridges and 7 tunnels, Neishancun station, roadbed and culvert within the range of the bid section, etc. The tunnel entrance and exit in this area have thick soil layer and full weathering layer, and the rock weathering is strong and uneven. As the tunnel is highly weathered rock, the rock quality is very soft, and the excavation is easy to collapse. The construction company has laid a solid foundation for the whole track laying of Xingquan Railway by optimizing the process connection, scientifically organizing and shortening the single cycle operation time, reasonably shortening the construction period under the guarantee of safety, and efficiently completing the node objectives and tasks on time.

The Xingguo to Qingliu section of the line has been put into operation at the end of September 2021, and the Qingliu to Quanzhou section is scheduled to be ready for operation in September this year.

Xingguo-Quanzhou Railway is an important part of the railway channel from the southeast coast to the central region. After completion and opening to traffic, it will be of great significance to improve the regional network layout, enhance the railway transport capacity in the southeast coast, and promote the economic development of the old revolutionary base areas in Jiangxi and Fujian provinces to form a new pattern.

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